Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Chocolate Covered Energy Bites

These energy bites are so simple and very easy to make. They also provide you with energy to get through the day. 


7oz of peanut butter
1/4 cup of Flaxseed
1 cup of oats
1 bag of dark chocolate for melting 


Combine the peanut butter, flax, and oats and once all is mixed together place in fridge for one hour to harden.

Place melting chocolate in fondue warmer to melt. ( you could use the microwave with a glass bowl, but you can burn the chocolate)

Remove your peanut butter mixture from the fridge and roll in to small spheres. Then dip them in chocolate and place on a wax sheet of paper that's over a cutting  board. After filling the sheet, place chocolate covered balls in the freezer for the chocolate to harden.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Homemade Granola


1/2 cup of Wheat germ
1 cup of Old fashion rolled oats
1-2 cups of Mini chocolate chips
1-2 cups of Honey
1/2 cup of Sliced almonds
3 teaspoons of vanilla extract
2-3 teaspoons of orange extract (or you could use orange zest)
4 tablespoons of cinnamon


Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. You may need to add more honey just to bond the ingredients together! 

Set oven at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

* I put my granola in a muffin pan so it's easier to grab for school!*

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Egg Plant Pizzas

I honestly have never eaten egg plant before but I must say they are pretty tasty, especially when made into mini pizzas! 


1 egg plant
Garlic Powder
PAM spray
Ground black pepper
Tomato Sauce (I just used Ragu)
Cheese (low fat)
Onion (optional)


Slice the egg plants into slices. Then place in gallon ziploc bag with a little water, garlic powder, pepper, and salt as you desire. Of course, easy on the salt. Let the slices marinate for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Preheat oven for 450 degrees. Place slices on a foil lined pan that was lightly sprayed with PAM spray and bake in the oven for 21 minutes. 

Remove the egg plant slices from the oven and put about a teaspoon of tomato sauce on each slice. Then top with cheese and chopped onions. Put them back in the oven till all of the cheese has melted and enjoy!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Smoothie

It's pumpkin season! So raid your mom's pantry for pumpkin pie spice and try out my pumpkin chocolate chip smoothie!


3-4 teaspoons of pumpkin puree
1/4 teaspoon of dark 100% cacao powder
3-4 teaspoons of vegan yogurt (you can use greek yogurt instead)
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1-2 teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice
1/2 cup of almond milk
1/2- 1 cup of chocolate chips
1 teaspoon of vanilla
3-5 Spinach leaves (optional, but you don't taste them at all!)
1 banana


Blend all together!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Good Stuff

Cranberry juice (NOT the Cranberry Juice cocktail, the unsweetened) has a ton of health benefits, as do Oranges. The bartender at my work created this drink and of course I tried to make it healthier and it was a success! I had people asking how did I make it and to make it for them! So here is the recipe:


Unsweetened Cranberry Juice
1 orange
1 lemon


Fill your cup halfway with cranberry juice and the the other half with water. Then squeeze half a lemon and half a orange in your drink (about 8-16 oz, if you have a larger drink use the whole orange and lemon)

*If the drink is too acidic then just add about 2 packets of Splenda.

Meat Less Chipotle Bowl

I love Chipotle bowls! However, you never really know what all is added to your meal behind closed doors. So why don't you make it yourself? I put the all the things I loved from the chipotle bowl minus the meat all and made something so addictive.


1 1/2 cup of brown rice (or one boil-in-bag brown rice)
2 cups of frozen corn
1 can of low sodium black beans
2 cups of shredded cheese
3/4 cup of chopped onions
2 tablespoons of garlic powder
2 tablespoons of parsley flakes


Heat black beans, corn, and brown rice as instructed. Place onions, cheese, garlic powder, and parsley in a large bowl. Once beans, corn and brown rice are heated place in the bowl with the cold items and toss till the cheese is melted. Then serve and enjoy.

*This recipe is good reheated and is two meals for me, so it's definitely good the next day for lunch.
*You can add meat to this recipe if you would like or even more vegetables!