Saturday, November 16, 2013

Egg Plant Pizzas

I honestly have never eaten egg plant before but I must say they are pretty tasty, especially when made into mini pizzas! 


1 egg plant
Garlic Powder
PAM spray
Ground black pepper
Tomato Sauce (I just used Ragu)
Cheese (low fat)
Onion (optional)


Slice the egg plants into slices. Then place in gallon ziploc bag with a little water, garlic powder, pepper, and salt as you desire. Of course, easy on the salt. Let the slices marinate for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Preheat oven for 450 degrees. Place slices on a foil lined pan that was lightly sprayed with PAM spray and bake in the oven for 21 minutes. 

Remove the egg plant slices from the oven and put about a teaspoon of tomato sauce on each slice. Then top with cheese and chopped onions. Put them back in the oven till all of the cheese has melted and enjoy!

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