Monday, October 7, 2013

Salt and Vinegar Kale Chips

These are VERY addictive. My roommate and I made these and we can't make them fast enough! Kale is so CHEAP so on a college budget this is a great snack.


1 lb. of Kale
White Distilled Vinegar
2-4 tablespoons of Olive Oil

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Rip the kale right off them stems and place in a large bowl.
After all the kale is placed in the bowl, pour vinegar over the kale and toss. Let the kale soak overnight (increase the amount of time for how strong of taste you want.)
Drain out the vinegar and then pour 2-4 tablespoons of Olive Oil and toss the kale.
Place the kale leaves on a foil lined pan where the kale is barely touching.
Sprinkle LIGHTLY with salt.
Cook in oven for 6 minutes and then flip for another 2 minutes. (Watch them closely)
If the kale are not crispy continue to cook for shorter amounts of time.

*Kale chips are meant to be eaten immediately, and do not store very well.
*If the vinegar taste is not as strong as you would like them dip the chips in vinegar for a stronger flavor.

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